Ribbon Command Search

Fully implemented BCGControlBar Pro (MFC)

Not available BCGSuite (MFC)

Not available BCGControlBar for .NET

You can easily add the command search to the Ribbon Main panel and user can find and invoke the required command in seconds, without looking through all ribbon tabs.

Alternatively (if you're using Ribbon Backstage view, not the Main Panel), you may add a command search edit box to the top of the Ribbon (Office 2016-2022-like "Tell Me").

Office 2022-like "Tell Me":

Office 2022-like "Tell Me":

Ribbon Main panel with command search box:

Ribbon Main panel with command search box:

Ribbon Main panel search results:

Ribbon Main panel search results:

Sample code:

// Enable Ribbon "Tell me":

// Enable Ribbon Main panel command search:
CBCGPRibbonMainPanel* pMainPanel;
    TRUE, _T("Start Search"), _T("Q"), 
    200 /* Width */);